I am LOVING "Call Your Girlfriend" a podcast between long distance besties that covers pop culture, feminism, bestie-ism, and Beyonce. It's so familiar and awesome and funny and smart and just what I never even knew I wanted!
Image: source from I Want Everything To Be Okay.
I recently listened to this incredible interview, a crucial discussion of American history, family, slavery, race - and also just a riveting discussion: On 'Tomlinson Hill,' Journalist Seeks Truth And Reconciliation: "As the great-great-grandson of Texas slaveholders, journalist Chris Tomlinson wanted to find out what crimes his ancestors had committed to maintain power and privilege."
Recently read: And When She Was Good by Laura Lippman (a quick weekend read); and, All Joy and No Fun: The Paradox of Modern Parenthood by Jennifer Senior (Sort of ridiculously singularly focused on middle class, heterosexual couples, but nonetheless a fascinating and very readable survey of recent studies on parenting, mixed in with real life tales. I thought the info about the changing role of children in American society was particularly interesting, as was the related discussion of changing expectations of parents throughout the decade. The book certainly shows parenting to be a daunting task, one that effects your career, relationships, and sense of self.)
Currently reading (along with everyone else!): Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay.
I'm almost a month away from my marathon. NOT feeling ready (for example, only up to 15.2 miles so far....) But I will do this....
"Yr gait is simple & it carries you, it is the only sure thing." source