
Angela Davis on prison abolition. via Democracy Now! and Feministing.

From the NYTimes: "Their Debt Is Paid: More than five million Americans could be barred from voting in November because of unjust and archaic state laws that disenfranchise former offenders, even when they have gone on to live crime-free lives . . . Democracy is strengthened when as many citizens as possible have the right to vote. Fully integrating ex-offenders back into society is also the best way to encourage their lasting rehabilitation. It is past time for all states to restore individual voting rights automatically to ex-offenders who have served their time."

Image: source.

More Anne Lamott I love:

"...learning to eat was about learning to live - and deciding to live; and it is one of the most radical things I've ever done." - A. Lamott ("Plan B")

"Since the United States went to war in Iraq, I've been thinking about A.J. Muste, who during the Vietnam War stood in front of the White House night after night with a candle. One rainy night, a reporter asked him, 'Mr. Muste, do you really think you are going to change the politics of this country by standing out here alone at night with a candle?' 'Oh,' Muste replied, 'I don't do it to change the country, I do it so the country won't change me.''" - Anne Lamott ("Plan B")

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