
"We can't let intolerance and ignorance take another kid's life."

This is powerful, and I love Ellen.

One note: this isn't just about "bullying," as the title represents (and I have very mixed feelings about the increase in criminal prosecution of kids for bullying). This is about homophobia. It's not just about the kids that harassed the victims of hate, it's about the parents of those kids who raised them to be homophobic, to judge others, to be close-minded. Kids don't learn this on their own. They learn homophobic behavior from a society that condones it, from families who model that behavior, and, sometimes, from religions that preach hate. Change starts not (only) with making laws and prosecuting cases, but from changing our own attitudes, behavior, language and comments. Change comes from being open with our friends and family, from supporting the youth around us, from being positive and supportive models to the youth in our communities.

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