
From The New Republic, Transitions: What will it take for America to accept transgender people for who they really are?

I love the unusual, geometric jewelry over at Marta Lugo's Etsy shop, especially this pin, and this necklace.

Image: source.

On the future of LGBTQ activism: Beyond Gay Marriage: "One can only hope that some day we will have an open dialogue about what the agenda should be for all LGBT people. And when it happens, one hopes that the voices of the poor, the disabled, the feminists, and the queers of color will be heard, so that we end up with an agenda that is more reflective of the progressive politics that ignited the Stonewall riots and led to the modern gay liberation movement—a movement that seems very far from where we are today."

From The Atlantic: America's Top Cities for Bike Commuting: Happier, Too: "A nationwide analysis shows that towns where people bike to work are richer, fitter, and more successful in many other ways."

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