
From the ABA Journal: "Liberals and conservatives on the U.S. Supreme Court appeared divided yesterday on whether a convict has a constitutional right to a DNA test of evidence, leaving Justice Anthony M. Kennedy once again as the man in the middle."

Left, from The Sartorialist (of course).

Go Jerz!

My return to Boston heralds the return of socks....so I might as well have fun with them.

When a description says more than it intended...

DOMA challenge underway in MA!

From Yes Means Yes (via Feministing), a great note in defense of women who struggle with leaving abusive relationships: "It doesn't mean she is stupid. Leaving an abusive partner is hard - really, really hard. Some studies have shown that it takes an average woman 4-7 tries before she can leave her abuser for good. Why? Because abusers aren't transparent assholes all of the time. They can be very manipulative, and most of the time will wear down their partner's self-esteem quite thoroughly long before they start with the physical violence. They're also often charming and can be very loving and doting and romantic when they're not being violent. They can talk real pretty about what they've learned, how sorry they are, how they're going to change, how they can't change without the help of their wo/man. And of course, we want to believe that we haven't been so blind in choosing a partner for ourselves."

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