
A beautiful dress from Modaspia.

A great article on a fellow Bard '03 alum, Yishay Garbasz, who is currently living and creating art in Japan. 

Wonderful children's books by one of my favorite people in the world, the lovely and talented Rena Grossman.

A little boost for your day, Cher "If I Could Turn Back Time."  Love it.

Kate Harding is awesome.

Left: image.

From Transgriot, "SRS Is Not A Requirement To Be A 'Successful' Transsexual."

From Feministing: "Nicholas Kristof writes an op-ed for the NYTimes about the appalling amount of time it takes for rape kits to actually be tested and how sometimes they are not even tested. It is something that as feminists we have talked about extensively and sexual assault survivor advocates have organized around. The lackadaisical nature of rape kit testing and the general nonchalance or downright ignorance with which police do not investigate rape cases, it becomes damn near impossible to prove someone has been raped."  Jezebel gets in on the discussion, as well.

Yep, the casual use of the word "rape" is completely inappropriate and upsetting: "We at Broadsheet have written extensively about the many ways in which the word 'gay' has been misused to describe everything from a crappy-looking shirt to kids who don't seem to fit in with cultural norms, with sometimes tragic results. But this week, Alternet's Mikki Halpin asks if the same thing is happening to the word 'rape.'"

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