
I Would Go Out Tonight But I Haven't Got A Stitch To Wear

Don't worry, Hugh, I'm waiting for the final cut!

TransGriot on the word "passing."

From the HuffPo: "A secret recording reveals the Army may be pushing its medical staff not to diagnose post-traumatic stress disorder. The Army and Senate have ignored the implications."

An ode to yellow doors.

From the, "hey, good idea" files: Special prosecutor to probe Stevens' prosecution.

Celebrities, they're just like us! Rachel Maddow ups the crush factor even more by copping to drunk shopping.

Yes. Tiny Public Plaques.

The magic of Tracy Morgan.

NYTimes: Iraq’s Newly Open Gays Face Scorn and Murder: "The relative freedom of a newly democratic Iraq and the recent improvement in security have allowed a gay subculture to flourish here. The response has been swift and deadly."

“There was a moment in my life where I realized that if the B-52 bombers flying over Vietnam were dropping contraceptives, the American Catholic hierarchy would’ve condemned that war in a minute, but they were dropping Napalm.” - James Carroll

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