
On April 8th, President Obama declared April to be Sexual Assault Awareness Month. "In his statement, Obama said that 'Sexual assault scars the lives of millions in the United States/' He made special mention of violence on college campuses, noting, 'Unlike victims of sexual assault in the larger community, students victimized by other students often face additional challenges in a 'closed' campus environment.'"

I want in on this knee socks hotness for sure.

Yet another reflection on the 80's board game anti-feminist magic that was Girl Talk.

Love these plays on walk signs. Yay for public art!

A social drinker gives up alcohol for a month.
AmazonFail: "The blogosphere is abuzz over Amazon’s recent decision to remove sales rank data from their sale pages for many gay and lesbian books." (From the excellent Equal Writes). And more from Jezebel and from Feministe.

On women and development: "There’s a tendency to see women’s rights in developing countries as worthy but minor, as secondary in a world facing so many vast challenges of war, terrorism and environmental degradation. My wife and I, in our forthcoming book on this topic, try to argue that in fact you can’t address these larger issues of poverty, environment or security unless you also address the rights and status of women in these countries, and I just finished reading a new book that makes this case particularly eloquently. The book is Michelle Goldberg’s 'The means of Reproduction: Sex, Power, and the Future of the World.'"

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