
Audio of Johnny Cash reading the Bible.  Oddly enthralling.

So many things to love: burger insanity in Portland, OR.

From Paste, If You're Happy and You Know It: The 13 Best Songs With Handclaps. I would add that there's some good handclapping action in the Shout Out Loud's "Hurry Up Let's Go" and "Close to Me" by the Cure.

Great photos of some of the crazy lightening we've had recently in Boston.

I love me some good book jacket design.

The NYTimes brings us possibly the perfect house.

Named after my favorite park in the city!  Timbuk2 introduces the Dolores Chiller.

Is it possible to joke about rape?  An interesting look at The Onion's best and worse rape jokes.

"Lori Adelman at Feministing is taking on Google for its strange policy of banning abortion providers from advertising on Google AdWords in specific countries." h/t Jezebel.

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