
"Our role in Haiti's plight": "What is already all too clear, however, is the fact that this impact will be the result of an even longer-term history of deliberate impoverishment and disempowerment. Haiti is routinely described as the "poorest country in the western hemisphere". This poverty is the direct legacy of perhaps the most brutal system of colonial exploitation in world history, compounded by decades of systematic postcolonial oppression. The noble "international community" which is currently scrambling to send its "humanitarian aid" to Haiti is largely responsible for the extent of the suffering it now aims to reduce." More from Democracy Now!

I had my two monthly book club meetings this week - the first for "The Help" which I've heard great things about but actually didn't read (it's hardcover, so I was too cheap to buy it till I found it on sale...and also I'm studying for the Bar. So those are my excuses.) Last night, I had the meeting for "The Elegance of the Hedgehog," which I didn't like as much as I had expected but led to a good discussion nonetheless. This coming month we are reading "Home" for one group, and "Middlesex" for the other. Looking forward to them both!

Image: kinda want a quiet weekend (week....month...) away at this house.

Another great Pep Talk: You're Fucking Awesome With Or Without Approval: It is not your responsibility to make people like you and you have no control over whether or not people approve of you. Your job is to be great, not to make people recognize how great you are. You’re charming and lovely so, if someone isn’t all about you, I gotta figure it’s their problem.Today remind yourself: I’m fucking awesome with or without approval.

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