
A dad's blog of the crafts he makes for his kids - so wonderful! And on that note, "5 minute marvels encourages kids & parents to draw a little every day"

How to make the NYTimes "most e-mailed" list - the intersection of "awe-inspiring," "emotional," "positive, " and "surprising"

I love this photo of a boy on the way home from a chess tournament - great pic, great story.

Image: source.

While I admit that I'm a fan of the TV show, I totally loved this article: Why I (Really, Seriously, Truly) Hate Carrie Bradshaw.

I'm head over heels in love with this animated short of a StoryCorps interview between a mom and a son. I love the honesty, the humor, and the love. Absolutely beautiful.

Ranunculas! Maybe my favorite flower....

Prison Law Blog summarizes and comments on recent important SCOTUS decisions.

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