
The Indy: "What rights do undocumented immigrants have when they become crime victims?" via The Immigration Prof. Blog.

Love this redesign of a pizza box. Very clever.

Image: source.

A somewhat daunting discussion of retirement funds and how much you should be putting away. I just "rolled over" money into my IRA account, marking my 6th year of having the world's smallest retirement account. I've started adding to it again, however, and am hoping I'm pleasantly surprised by it's growth...

I've liked Mark Bittman's columns on eating for one - much more like my form of eating (albeit, a LOT healthier) than most recipes etc I see. For the last three weeks I have spent Saturday or Sunday afternoon cooking and packing my lunches for the week. It saves me money and makes me eat a lot healthier, but it's gotten pretty boring. Any suggestions for affordable, reheatable meals to make for the week ahead welcome. (Also I'm currently in my second day of cutting sugar out of my diet for a week (maybe longer). This might not be huge for a lot of people, but I have at least one baked good (scone, cookie, muffin) a day, as well as 1 or two candy bars, and then also dessert. I know, a lot. So it's feeling hard to cut it out. But hopefully will lead to me feeling healthier and having more energy....)


Bill said...

I cook a big batch of steel-cut Irish oatmeal every Sunday for breakfast during the week. Once you've done it once or twice it is really easy, takes about 30 minutes but you can do other things while it is cooking as it just needs a stir every few minutes once it is going.

I usually cook ~2 cups for 5 breakfasts. 2 minutes in the microwave and it's good to eat each morning, and it's ridiculously healthy. To add flavor without processed sugar I plop some raisins, blueberries, and some cut strawberries on top after I take it out of the microwave.

Shorty said...

Thanks for the suggestions, that's a great idea! I was also remembering that I love having plain yogurt with frozen fruit mixed in (in the past I would also add in sugary granola but I'll skip that for a while). I get so crabby if I don't have something I like for breakfast, so it's important I figure that part of my day out...