
Big deal! "In a unanimous decision, the California Supreme Court ruled Monday that illegal immigrants [sic] can be eligible for the same reduced tuition at public colleges and universities as legal residents of the state."

Today I will be in my second day of training to become a CRB board member: "In 1985, Oregon's legislature created a statewide foster care review program of citizen volunteers to help state courts ensure that case plans and services meet the needs of children in foster care and youth offenders in the custody of the Oregon Youth Authority. These citizen volunteers and the staff who support them are the Citizen Review Board, known as the CRB. Oregon law requires the CRB to: (1) review the case plans of children and youth offenders in substitute care to ensure that their placements and services are appropriate and timely, and (2) advocate for effective policies, procedures, and laws in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems."

Image: source.

On momentum: "It can carry you like a strong current carries a fallen leaf. It can ground you like an early morning walk through the woods. It can move you like wind moves a cloud across the summer sky. It can ignite your spirit and make you feel like you can do anything. It is momentum – that invisible, universal force that can saturate your every choice, your every step, your every breath, your every moment of resolve with vibrant, joyful energy. Momentum can surge you forward and it can pull you under. It goes with your flow, follows your lead and enhances your trajectory.”

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