
I'd never heard of the store Plumo before, but I'm loving their stuff, especially the jewelry and bags.

Image: source.

I like the new Adele single, I think it'll be added to my running mix very soon.

"Christopher Baker films in Cordova, Alaska, documenting life around Copper River, one of the last pure watersheds in North America. Absolutely gorgeous."

What gives a city its feel, what gives a city its personality? A Radiolab episode on “Cities” uncovers what gives a city its walking speed: "On the high end you’ve got the Dubliners who take on average (10.76 steps to cover 60 feet). Compare that with to Buchanan, Liberia whose walkers covered the same distance in about 21 seconds. In football terms, by the time the Dubliner has scored a touchdown, the guy from Buchanan is somewhere around midfield. (~9:00)"

Forever21 launches gift cards?? Feel free to buy one for me for every occasion.

"I think of the trees and how simply they let go, let fall the riches of season, how without grief they can let go and go deep into their roots for renewal from a ribbon at a time." - May Sarton “Journal of a Solitude”

"The heart is a very, very resilient little muscle." Woody Allen (Hannah & Her Sisters)

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