
It snowed last night. When I headed out on my run this morning, the snow had stopped, so I only had to contend with the slush. Or so I thought. About a mile in, the snow started up again, and brutalized me for the remaining 3 miles I managed to eek out. Not the 12 miler I was hoping to hit. Ah well, the sky has cleared up now, and I'm looking forward to getting home and putting in those 8 miles I have left. I WILL do this!

Image: source.

This locket is gorgeous. And here's the perfect jewelry rack to hang it on.

The NYRB has republished Joan Didion's review of Manhattan from 1979. It remains one of my favorite movies, but I am still entertained and engaged by Didion's scathing critique. Of Allen's list of reasons to live at the end of the film she writes: "This list of Woody Allen’s is the ultimate consumer report, and the extent to which it has been quoted approvingly suggests a new class in America, a subworld of people rigid with apprehension that they will die wearing the wrong sneaker, naming the wrong symphony, preferring Madame Bovary."

“I love poetry because it makes me love” - Gregory Corso

Running update: When I got home from work today, I put on my headlamp and pushed out the 5 miles remaining from this morning. It felt great, and I felt great for doing it.

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