
Mociun continues to blow my mind with more amazing jewelry. Their stuff is astonishing and so unique. Swoon.

Image: source.

From Quirkyalone, gratitude for being single.

From the NYTimes, Justice Stevens speaks out against the death penalty: "In 1976, just six months after he joined the Supreme Court, Justice John Paul Stevens voted to reinstate capital punishment after a four-year moratorium. With the right procedures, he wrote, it is possible to ensure “evenhanded, rational and consistent imposition of death sentences under law." Former Justice John Paul Stevens wrote an essay for The New York Review of Books. In 2008, two years before he announced his retirement, Justice Stevens reversed course and in a concurrence said that he now believed the death penalty to be unconstitutional."

Love this round-up inspired by Hannah & Her Sisters.

"It all depends on you. You can go on sleeping forever, or you can wake up right this moment." - Osho

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