
This "culture diary" from the Paris Review is oddly engrossing (to me, at least).

Swoon. Tear. I Hope This Gets To You: A Viral Love Letter.

I don't really care about Art Garfunkel, per se, but I like the idea (god knows I love lists. Actually, everybody knows that.): Every Book That Art Garfunkel Has Ever Read. via Neatorama.

Image: source.

The Museum of Broken Relationships: "If you're suffering from a broken heart, never fear, a museum with memorabilia is here! The Museum of Broken Relationships is a bizarre tourist attraction where visitors come to look at items donated by people with broken hearts. Olinka Vistina and Drazen Grubisic, two Croatian artists who broke up in 2006, decided to open The Museum of Broken Relationships when they realized how hard it was to give up items symbolizing lost love. This way, they could keep the items together, and before they knew it, the two artists started receiving all kinds of things from distraught singles."

Running update: after not even being able to complete 4 miles yesterday morning because my knee was hurting so badly, combined with the indignity of walking straight-legged down the stairs at work all day, I headed to the running store to ask the pros for advice. The consensus was the accurately named "runners knee," pain in the tendon that runs over the top of my knee cap. They said it wasn't uncommon and that I had been upping my milage pretty quickly. They also reassured me that this doesn't mean I can't run (my fear) and that it wasn't the start of chronic knee problems (my other fear). The prescribed course of action: icing, advil, stretching, and three days off from running and bootcamp. Once I'm back up, I'm to keep up with the stretching, work on strengthening my quads, and see how it goes. Friends have also suggested shoe inserts, and I'm going to bring my shoes into the running store and have them checked out. Sigh. A bump in the road but I guess that's to be expected. For the next few days it will be pool only for me. Maybe some biking.

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