
I'll be honest: I've avoided watching Food, Inc and reading Eating Animals because I knew they would push me back to being a vegetarian. (I was a vegetarian for 8 years and a vegan for one, and started eating meat again about 7 years ago.) But they are both about so much more than just eating meat. I think what finally pushed me to watch Food, Inc today was the eye-opening experience in the last week of truly cutting out sugar (not just cutting out sweets, but cutting out all sugar.) Now when I walk into a grocery store, I see that most of the stuff in the store has sugar in it. I've been eating so much processed foods my whole life and it's only now becoming clear to me. Watching Food, Inc. and hearing all the talk about animals and food being "engineered" instead of grown or raised really...wow....Whether you care about corporations dictating our health and national agenda, labor rights and the treatment of workers,the way animals are treated in factory farms, or whether you just want your family to be healthy....see this movie!


Amanda @ Hungry Vegan Traveler said...

Since you mentioned sugar, have you watched "King Corn"? Corn is in everything, too. (Or should I say, "corn?")

Unknown said...

Hey, Eating Animals is informative without being grotesquely pushy. I recommend it.

Shorty said...

Thanks for the suggestions! I will definitely check them both out.

@Amanda, I feel like I need to carry a list with me of all the names for both sugar and corn so I can make better choices at the grocery store - it's overwhelming but hopefully doable

@Lynn, I've heard that, I will definitely read it, thanks

Unknown said...

That was scary. It makes me scared to feed my children. The FDA is supposed to be there to protect us, but obviously it's just another government office run by corporations.

Shauna (Fido and Wino) said...

I totally agree- really informative movie.

Animal Liberation (book by Peter Singer) was a real game changer for me too. I was a vegetarian for 10 years, stopped for 5 and became a vegetarian again last summer.

Shorty said...

Shauna, it's nice to hear from someone else who has been veggie, gone back to eating meat, and then returned to vegetarianism. I know so many of us go through different stages in relation to what and how we eat - I have friends, for instance, life long vegetarians and vegans who began eating animal products or meat when they traveled abroad etc. I think it's important to keep having conversations about how and why we make the choices we do.

Anastasia, agreed! Very scary, and made me realize how much I sort of blindly trust that things are safe....