
From The Crunk Feminist Collective: How Chris Brown is Effing Up My Sex Life: A B-Side to Dating While Feminist

Good interview: Cornel West and the fight against injustice: "The provocative US intellectual discusses issues of race, civil liberties and Barack Obama's leadership."

Image: source. So true.

"Secure Communities" is bad for everyone. "Many state and local governments have sought to blur the lines between regular law enforcement and immigration enforcement. The consequence of this has been that immigrant domestic violence victims have become fearful of law enforcement, making all of our communities less safe. Enlace Communitario, an Albuquerque-based non-profit, has developed this video designed to raise awareness of how these policies are imjuring innocent women and children."

A great article from a parent on children's books and talking to your kids about gender. (Thanks, MDR!)

"Self-love is not for slackers. Self-love is a constant journey that takes mindfulness, grit, and to be honest, hard work. Truthfully? It’s not for the lazy or the faint of heart. It takes real courage, perseverance, and a healthy amount of stubbornness against the too-easy-to-swallow messages from conformity, from people who don’t deserve to be in your life… and especially, from the messages you’ve accepted and told yourself. The fear." source.

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