
I'm reading the second book of the Hunger Games series right now, and never cease to be amazed at how intense (but not graphic, really) some of the violence and overt political discussion is, for a YA book. Great stuff, I think. The NYTimes had an article on the series last weekend.

Interesting article: Is it Time to Take the Anonymous Out of A.A.? "Anonymity is a bedrock tradition that once protected alcoholics from stigma...Of course, any individual is entitled to maintain his or her anonymity. But as public perception of alcoholism and addiction begins to change, shouldn't A.A. change as well?"

More on the current state of immigration law for same sex couples. Also, "Camilo Godoy's photo series depicting an image of his boyfriend juxtaposed with an image taken in the same location after his boyfriend was deported."

Image: source.

Great week of training. Between spin class and commuting to and from work, I got in 3 hours of biking yesterday! I was sore as heck but felt wonderful. My co-bike commuter said he thought it would be a good mental break between work and home, the hour on the bike path, outdoors, and he was right. This morning I went to bootcamp (a great circuit training) and then did 30 min of laps in the pool afterwards. I have big plans for this weekend too....

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