
"Tristan Whiston first performed as a solo soprano at the age of six. With that raw talent, years of hard work led to an accomplished singing career. But Tristan decided to give up the most precious thing a singer has - his voice. You see, Tristan was born Ruth Margaret. From when she was a little girl, she wanted to be a boy, and as an adult, a man. Tristan decided to undertake gender reassignment, and tracked the process in a year's worth of intimate audio diaries. CBC radio producer Carma Jolly combined those audio diaries with interviews to create a story called Middle C."

Went to a really yummy vegan restaurant while in Seattle, Plum Bistro. We ordered (and devoured!) two of the broccoli and pepper dish, and two of the curry fries - so so good!

Image: source.

OK, so...I'm back! Finally. I got back from Seattle on Saturday, and was greeted by perfect weather here in Southern Oregon - I'm always happy to come home. My race (Seattle's Best 15K on Saturday) went pretty well. By which I mean I finished. My time was a very slow 1:49:25, but honestly I couldn't care less. Since the marathon (which was 3 weeks ago - it feels like it's been forever!) I've probably only run a half dozen times, and this knee injury....ugh, this knee injury. I'm going to hunt down a doctor soon (Valerie, you are totally right!).

Related: I'm starting to consider canceling my Ironman. I just feel sort of....burnt out. It's still a goal I have, but I spent the last 7 months training for a marathon, and now I just sort of want to be....normal. To run and excercize just for health and to feel good, to take more off days, to socialize more and enjoy the summer. I don't know. It's hard for me even to consider, since it was such a big commitment (and I paid a lot of money!) but I want to do what's right for me (and for my body). We will see.


Eleanor said...

You know, you always provide wonderful inspiring thoughts with the graphics you post, and I wonder if you have one that applies to the possibly cancelling Iron Man situation. Something about how making a decision that's right for you, being proactive about your health and happiness instead of pushing yourself into discomfort and discouragement, is the right thing to do even if it looks a little too much like giving up at the time you have to make the decision. Obviously, your beautiful manta would be more concise than that. But I believe that's the case here. I think cancelling that
commitment in advance and choosing to pursue other goals -- time off and socialization ARE goals -- is
responsible and admirable. And, welcome home!

NK said...

Deciding not to do it is probably just as hard (albeit in a different way) than doing it! You deserve a summer where you can do normal things without worrying about how they'll affect your training. It's supposed to be fun - and the minute you feel like you have to do it, is probably the minute it stops being fun.


George D said...

Cancelling the ironman is probably the right thing to do. I was worried about the possibility of injury seeing your ambitious running plan.

Right now you need to back off a little and reduce distance for a bit. See a doctor or sports injury physiotherapist as soon as you can - I've had knee injury from running, and know that the sooner you deal with it the better! But wait until you've seen a professional before you make the Ironman call. In the meantime you might like to start increasing your time in the pool, to give your body the chance to exercise while resting your knees.

Shorty said...

Hello all, I can't tell you how much everyones comments have meant to me!

Eleanor, you're right, I clearly need the right mantra and/or inspirational poster ;) Thanks for the kind and thoughtful comment.

NK, yes, yes, that decision of "what hard things do you push yourself to do" v "what things do you say 'they this isn't supposed to be that hard'"....or something. I guess I can try to remember that it doesn't mean its a goal I will never work towards, this just might not be the right time.....? Ugh.

George, spending so much time reading about and watching hardcore athlete Ironman competitors and ultra marathoners etc, it's hard for me not to feel like a wimp no matter what I do. But maybe that is leading me to have unreasonable goals or expectations for my body....It's difficult for me to be able to tell the difference between pain you push through and pain that's a signal to stop. Either way, I have an appointment with a doctor next week to look at the knee, and hopefully she helps me make some decisions about next steps....

Thanks again, everyone!

jessica patrice said...

I'll be in Seattle next month for work..I'm definitely going to check this place out...