
On repeat: Dawes Daytrotter sessions. Serious perfection. If you're not listening to it, why not??

Image: source.

McSweeney's cooking magazine? Looks interesting.

Well, I did it! Yesterday, for the first time in my life, I biked 100 miles! It was difficult but fun, and today the only pain in my body is my sunburned back (for which I only have myself to blame). It was an awesome day - nothing feels quite as good as pushing yourself to the limits, and realizing you're stronger than you thought.

Jealous and in awe of this woman who is doing her first Ironman today - good luck to everyone racing in Lake Placid on Sunday! It's still a dream of mine....someday....

"Being thin is just a proxy for having power, and power is a dirty thing to want. It is really important to be healthy, and feeling unhealthy or unattractive sucks, but feeling fat and therefore bad is a feeling that we have specifically to prevent us from not hating ourselves (which is what patriarchy needs us to do)." - a very wise friend

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