
Monday, monday, monday

You do not want to know the depth of my childhood love for Carmen Sandiego....The Top 10 Most Influential Educational Video Games from the 1980s

This is the Hand Drawn Map Association! As a maker, and lover, of hand-drawn maps, I'm thrilled they are getting the respect they deserve...

36 hours in one of my favorite places....A girl can dream.

Not just obscenely expensive handbags, the most recent issue of Elle also contained what I found to be an interesting article on Cathi Hanauer's experience with Celexa. (I was also glad to see that Jezebel gave it a shout out). SSRIs, and the choice to go on or off of them, can be a sensitive topic but is one that deserves discussion. It can be hard for those with experience on SSRIs (such as myself) to discuss their decision publicly, since everyone is ready to give an (usually) ill-thought-out opinion (most commonly on the rampant over-medication of American society), so I appreciate the step in the right direction taken by both Elle. Likewise, Jezebels article acknowledges the complicated reality of the topic, writing: "It's hard to find a really nuanced take on psychotropic drugs these days. TV ads try to convince you that meds will transform your life from horrible to awesome (cf. the current Abilify commercial, in which a woman describes her bipolar disorder while wandering a lonely beach, then returns home to bask in the embrace of the man Abilify apparently helped her catch). On the other side, an increasing number of naysayers (backed up by disturbing but conflicting evidence) warn that Prozac leads not only to suicide but to the decline of Western civilization." As always, the comments about the article are as interesting as Jezebel's introduction, so check 'em out.

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