
Really interesting: Sex Workers' Rights Are Rights For All Women. "Women are brought up to think of sex workers as "bad women". It prevents them from copying and taking advantage of the freedoms sex workers fight for, like the occupation of nocturnal and public spaces, or how to impose a sexual contract in which conditions have to be negotiated and respected."

A Collection A Day appeals to both my pack-rat and cataloguing instincts.

Image: source.

This teeny-tiny Catskills cottage is the stuff of dreams.

Mad Oregon love! I want that iPhone skin...

I signed up today for a triathlon. Just a "sprint" one (0.5 mi swim, 12 mi swim, 3 mi run), and I've done one before (about 7 years ago) but it's still intimidating and will involve some training. I have about 6 weeks to get ready, which is perfect. I already do cardio about 3-5 times a week, as of today I'm adding in swimming 2 twice a week. Wish me luck!

"Never underestimate your ability to transform hardship into growth and loss into gain." - Source.

“You can practice mindfullness because there is forgetfullness; but you cannot practice awareness, because there is only awareness. In mindfullness, you pay attention to the present moment. You try to ‘be here now’. But pure awareness is the present state of awareness before you try to do anything about it. Trying to ‘be here now’ requires a future moment in which you will then be mindful; but pure awareness is the moment before you try anything. You are already aware, you are already enlightened. You might not be always already mindful, but you are always aready enlightened.” - Ken Wilber


Magic said...

Congrats on signing up for the triathalon!

Shorty said...

Thanks, Magic ;)