
A great video and campaign from ColorLines: Stop using the "I" word! ("illegals") Language matters - think about the words you use, and what they convey.

The MacArthur "genius" Grant recipients are always an interesting bunch and this group is no exception! It includes a type designer, a marine biologist, and the producer of The Wire.

Image: source.

Very interested to see "Waiting For Superman."

Another song on rotation: Aloe Blacc "I Need A Dollar."

‎"Yo tengo un sueño que mis cuatro pequeños hijos algún día vivirán en una nación donde no serán juzgados por el color de la piel, sino por el contenido de sus carácteres." - Martin Luther King Jr. (I'm preparing next weeks citizenship class, think I'll try to focus on MLK and the civil rights movement. Hope the students like it! I always feel torn between just helping them memorize the answers to the test, and really wanting them to understand the content of the questions and answers, and to feel some interest and ownership over U.S. history. It's an ongoing balance/exploration.)

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