
Make the new (and long overdue) crack law retroactive: "Opportunities to rethink — and cleanly remedy — social injustices are rare. The new crack sentencing bill signed into law last month presents just such a chance, one that lawmakers should not pass over. To do otherwise is to perpetuate mistakes that have taken a generation to fix."

The Quilts of Gee's Bend were in the early 20th century by 45 Alabama artists, African-American women from a rural community in the Black Belt. They are amazing.

Image: source.

Roger Ebert has a cook book entirely devoted to what you can make in a rice cooker - I'm unconvinced but intrigued.

I love all the triangle patterns around these days. I'm hoping to find a way to work them into my new adventures with embroidery.

Interesting: The IKEA Effect: "You build something and you fall in love with it. When marketers do sell you a product, their theory is about preference fit. You like pink and I like orange and I like this a little higher and everyone knows their preference. That’s important. But I think the more important issue is not the preference fit but the investment in the product."

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