
A friend from law school is working in Haiti (she's Haitian-American) as an attorney with the non-profit LAMP. Check out her blog.

Really blown away by so many of the images on Grass Doe. Don't remember how I stumbled upon the site, but glad I did.

Image: source.

When I moved home I was surprised the find out that my mom and stepdad had become big fans of Project Runway - especially unexpected from my stepdad. While my mom is both crafty and fashion-forward, my step dad is a pretty manly hunter type who, as far as I know, has no interest in fashion or design. However, they both appreciate ingenuity, hard work, and competition (and also Tim Gunn - who doesn't!?), so I guess it makes sense. Because of their enthusiasm, I've gotten back into the show too, after a few seasons away, and last night's episode made me cry like a baby - Mondo, perhaps the most endearing contestant, revealed that he has been HIV positive for 10 years. Something none of the contestants, or any of his family, knew. Powerful stuff.

Also, on the living with parents front, I was glad to see this article about the positives of moving back in with family as an adult. Granted, I'm in a lucky position because I moved back home in order to take a great job, so it wasn't due to a lack of options. However, I have chosen to continue living there longer than initially expected, both due to financial restraints as well as being pleasantly surprised by how well it's worked out. It's been great to spend time with mom and stepdad (especially since I've lived on the East Coast for the last 10 years), I appreciate the beautiful house more than ever, and luxuries like a washer and drier, a dishwasher, and the occasional hot meal really mean a lot more after some of the dives I've lived in! I've also been surprised by peoples responses - I thought people would think I was a loser for living at home, but most of my peers seem jealous!

1 comment:

黃愛玲 said...

I enjoyed reading some of your entries; they're inspiring. =o)