
This weekend was exactly what I needed after a few days away. Even though I love Portland and love traveling, I'm a homebody at heart and am always happy to get back to my routine. Yesterday, with the help of my farming-skilled roommate, I planted my first garden! We had an unused raised bed in our backyard, now home to carrots, chard, kale, broccoli, and onions. I'm very excited. I've never eaten food that I've grown before, and I think it's gonna be awesome.

I finished reading Mystic River, which I was really impressed by. It pulled me in quickly, and enveloped me in the sense of stagnation and frustration and anger felt by the characters in the story, and maintained that feeling all the way through. Even though it wasn't necessarily a pleasant book to read, it was thoroughly engaging and incredibly well done (IMHO, of course).

Image: source.

Mmmm, can't wait till it's grilling weather again: Zucchini with Parmesan and Garlic Chili Oil. Everything is better when eaten outside, fresh off the grill.

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