
From the WSJ: Can Needles Soothe Wounded Warriors? "Military doctors in Afghanistan are using acupuncture to treat brain injuries, with promising results"

I want a standing desk!

"From 344 pounds to a 4:08 marathon."

Image: source.

Training: I tried to go to the gym today but it was closed for Easter. Then, I got dressed for a hike, and it started pouring. Thwarted again! So I decided it was the perfect time to try out the Jillian Michaels DVDs I got recently. Somehow I figured out how to work the TV (seriously, I've never seen such a confusing set up as the one at my current house), and I did the Level 1 workout from 30 Day Shred - and it was great! It's only 20 min long and she alternates between a few minutes of cardio, a few of strength, and a few for abs. It moves quickly, she's motivational, and you can make it more or less challenging based on your fitness level. A good choice for when you just need to fit in a short workout. Tonight I'm heading to Bikram, which never ceases to be a daunting prospect...it's so challenging, physically and mentally.

“I have a duty to speak the truth as I see it and share not just my triumphs, not just the things that felt good, but the pain, the intense, often unmitigated pain. It is important to share how I know survival is survival and not just a walk through the rain.” - Audre Lorde


Caiti said...

Loved the article on acupuncture. Thanks for sharing. My ambition is to work with vets with PTSD/TBI. I'm currently pursuing an ms degree in speech pathology, and looks like neuropsych next.

Shorty said...

@Steff, yeah, I wasn't sure what to expect (I don't think I've done a work out video since Jane Fonda with my mom in the 80s!) but I was totally impressed - I only did Level 1 and I still felt the burn!

@Caiti, oh, very cool! Good luck! :)