
Really interesting: The Moral Underground: How Ordinary Americans Subvert an Unfair Economy: "All around you are everyday heroes who refuse to be complicit in the economic mistreatment of other people."

Image: source.

Already loved StoryCorps, and love 'em even more after learning about their OutLoud initiative. Check it out, and think about contributing!

An imperfect but interesting article (and discussion in the comments section - really, read 'em!) by Julie Klausner about twee, maturity, women, and pop culture: Don’t Fear The Dowager: A Valentine to Maturity. (Especially apt given that yesterday was my 30th) (Check out this response, as well as this one that tackles the role of race)

I'm in San Diego for a conference and thus far it's not quite the warm weather vacation I was hoping to have....it's smoggy and grey, muggy, and my events/hostel are all in the not-very-interesting or pleasant downtown area. I'm drawing on my creative and adventurous reserves, however, and this design*sponge guide, and setting out to hopefully find some more interesting parts of SD. (Note: I have been here before, and enjoyed it, but was staying with friends who knew their way around, had a car,...and never came downtown). Anyways, exploring a new city is always fun one way or another, so here goes nothing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blog.