
God only knows

Today's study music is tending towards the classical, notably two very different pieces: Bethovan's Symphony #9 in D minor (yes, I know more of it than just the overly-used but still incredible "Ode to Joy" section) and "Abandoned Wheel," a composition by contemporary composer Vardan Ovsepian. Both are excellent (in very different ways, of course).

Before finals began I had the chance to finish up the second season of Big Love.  Incredible stuff.  That show never ceases to amaze me.  When I tell people what the basic premise is (a man and his three wives in Utah) they always laugh, but the depth and compassion and humor with which the characters are written and portrayed really transcends the initial premise.  Every time I begin to write of Marjie as ditzy and annoying, or Nikki as conniving, or the kids as mere props, the show proves me wrong.  Definitely one of the best series of this decade.

Finally, I was really disappointed by this week's SNL, for a number of reasons.  First, I really like Paul Rudd and just didn't find him funny.  But most of all, I found almost the WHOLE show to be shockingly homophobic.  Now that the election is over, SNL had no where to go but 8th Grade "That's so gay!" jokes?  Apparently, I'm not the only one who noticed....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ovsepian's great, especially the album with the Ferris wheel on the cover.