
Generally a fan of lists, I've especially been loving The Millions' Year in Reading and it has at least doubled my "to read" list.

Image: source.

I love this! (And not just because I get to see my friend Monika in the background - look for the stunner under the hair dryer): A heads-up for trouble: "Cut It Out program trains hairstylists to recognize signs of abuse and safely refer clients to local resources."

Right now I'm finishing up my lunch and am headed to court to mediate landlord-tenant/eviction cases. Apparently I'm going to be the only one there, since the others (there are usually 3-4 others) canceled this week. This, combined with my 101 degree fever, is less than promising. Let's hope I help them reach some good agreements and don't infect anyone.

Ha! Love this:

Jack Kerouac: You're ruining American poetry, O'Hara.
Frank O'Hara: That's more than you ever did for it, Kerouac

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