
Really loving all the amazing women comic artists on the interwebs that I'm slowly discovering, including Ramsey at Everyday Pants, Kim Gee, Liz Prince, and, most recently, Emilja Frances. Despite their stylistic and content differences, their work is all so real, so relatable, and so beautiful.

Image: source.

I'm trying to get back into running, slowly but surely. What has helped me (even though the reality that I was a marathoner a mere 5 months ago and now feel totally out of shape is daunting), is (a) remembering how great it is to run in fall weather and (b) remembering that this time last year I ran my first 10K (6mi) - EVER. And a within 6 months, I ran my first marathon. So it's possible. It's possible to become a runner, it's possible to get fit during the winter, it's possible to train your body to be healthier and happier. As part of my self-encouragement, I signed up for three races, since races always seemed to help motivate and challenge me in the past. Specifically, the Monster Dash 10K later this month, and the Pioneer Road Run 9mi and Turkey Trot 8mi in November.

Very hard to read. From Kristof in the NYTimes: In This Rape Center, the Patient Was 3: "Sexual violence is a public health crisis in much of the world, and women and girls ages 15 to 44 are more likely to be maimed or killed by men than by malaria, cancer, war or traffic accidents combined, according to a 2005 study."

Honduras, The Deadliest Place In The World For A Journalist: "Mini-documentary on the Honduran journalists that have watched 15 colleagues assassinated in 19 months under the Lobo regime, a government Barack Obama praises for its 'strong commitment to democracy'" s

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love all your posts! Good job on the running...you can get back into it! Running in the winter always seems easier to me - you don't have to worry about getting too hot and have to keep moving to stay warm. Good luck in your races!